The Importance of Kindness

The Importance of Kindness in separation

If you have ever been involved in a separation or have seen someone you love, go through the process, you would know too well how the negative actions and words could and do play in the process and their outcomes.

Research shows us that choosing to be kind and devoting our time and energy into other people, rather than just focusing just on ourselves, brings about long lasting well-being and good health. Do you remember the last time you did something thoughtful and kind for someone else, remember how that felt?

I have seen far too many couples use this time to show anger, frustration and even hatred, so many unkind acts. The results have been devastating and irreparable. As much as it is a time where both are suffering, why is it that they immediately choose those negative responses. How can we change this? How can we make them focus on good behaviour, strong morals and kind actions? It is hard, but we can do it.

The first step: Any party to the separating couples can “choose” to be kind rather than hate. Secondly: They can “choose” to be supportive and thoughtful to each other during this difficult time rather than choose hateful or vindictive actions. Thirdly: They can make kind choices and choose a good and kind team to support them through the separation process, people who will show kindness to their spouse.

The couples I have seen choose to act like this, not only see results that are more positive and quicker, but their families benefit, their children benefit, and so does their own mental health and wellbeing.

In a world that is paving its way through a pandemic and increasing mental health issues, we need to choose kinder options, kinder words, kinder actions. We need to be kind to each other, we need to choose kind pathways, and a kind team to support us.

My work focuses on helping couples with all three of these areas. The impact this has on outcomes is huge, the stress levels go down, costs are saved, the parties find it much easier to create solutions and of course the long-term relationship is maintained.

At Flourish we aim to educate, guide and support couples through a kinder separation process so that they become stronger during and thrive after separation. I love hearing from couples and professionals who want this too! So contact me anytime for a chat on or visit my website

Kirsty Salvestro